Harnessing the Power of Peracetic Acid To Safeguard Your Farm

February 23, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide for Dairy Farmers in Ireland, Europe and the UK

Dairy farmers in Ireland, Europe and the UK are constantly seeking effective solutions to maintain the health and hygiene of their dairy herds. One such solution is peracetic acid. This potent disinfectant transforms the way we approach cluster disinfection and overall farm hygiene.

Peracetic Acid helps to safegaurd your dairy cows.

About Peracetic Acid

Peracetic acid, (also known as peroxyacetic acid and often abbreviated as PAA), is a versatile disinfectant that has proven highly effective in various agricultural applications. It is particularly effective in the dairy farming Industry. Composed of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid presents a powerful combination that targets a broad spectrum of microorganisms. This ultimately ensures a cleaner and safer environment for your dairy herds.

The Benefits of Peracetic Acid in Dairy Farming

Effective Pathogen Control:

Peracetic acid’s antimicrobial properties make it a formidable weapon against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores which are commonly found in dairy farm environments. This is crucial for maintaining biosecurity on farms, particularly in livestock operations where disease control is paramount.

By effectively sanitising equipment, surfaces, and water systems, peracetic acid helps prevent the spread of infectious diseases among animals, thereby safeguarding their health and well-being.

Residue-Free Disinfection:

Unlike some traditional disinfectants, peracetic acid leaves no harmful residues that could affect your milk quality or pose risks to your animals. This makes it a safe and environmentally friendly choice for dairy farmers.

Residue-free disinfection offers several benefits for farmers:
  • It ensures the safety of crops and livestock by eliminating the risk of exposure to harmful chemical residues.
  • Secondly, it promotes environmental sustainability by minimising the impact of disinfection on ecosystems and water sources.
  • Finally, residue-free disinfection can help farmers meet regulatory requirements and consumer expectations for safe and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

Overall, residue-free disinfection is an important consideration for farmers looking to maintain high standards of hygiene and biosecurity on their farms while minimising their environmental footprint.

Cluster Disinfection:

Cluster disinfection involves the thorough cleaning and disinfection of milking clusters, which are the devices used to extract milk from dairy cows during milking sessions. This process is essential for preventing the transmission of pathogens from one cow to another and reducing the risk of mastitis and other udder-related infections.

Milking Parlour Cluster Disinfection

Mastitis, in particular, is a common and costly condition characterised by inflammation of the udder tissue. This can lead to reduced milk production, decreased milk quality, and compromised animal welfare. Peracetic acid is gaining prominence for its role in cluster disinfection – as we can see a critical aspect of dairy farm hygiene and quality milk production.

concerns about environmental impact

Before the adoption of peracetic acid, dairy farmers typically relied on traditional disinfectants such as chlorine-based solutions or iodine-based sanitisers for cluster disinfection. These conventional methods, while effective to some extent, often presented challenges such as residual chemical buildup, development of resistance in pathogens, and concerns about environmental impact.

Additionally, some disinfectants may have had longer contact times or required more frequent application, leading to increased labour and operational costs. The emergence of peracetic acid as a viable alternative has provided farmers with a more efficient and environmentally friendly solution for cluster disinfection. This solution has addressed many of the shortcomings associated with previous protocols.

By effectively sanitising milking clusters with peracetic acid, dairy farmers can minimise the risk of mastitis and other udder-related infections. The result is improved milk quality, and increased milk production, ultimately benefiting both the cows and the dairy farmers.

Other critical areas within dairy operations where peracetic acid is commonly used for disinfection include:

Milk storage tanks and pipelines: Peracetic acid helps to sanitise storage tanks and pipelines, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. This maintains the quality of your stored milk.

Milk processing equipment: Equipment used in milk processing, such as pasteurisers and homogenisers, can harbor bacteria if not properly cleaned and disinfected. Peracetic acid ensures that these critical components remain free from contamination.

Calf pens and maternity areas: Maintaining cleanliness in calf pens and maternity areas is essential for the health and well-being of newborn calves. Use peracetic acid to disinfect these areas, reducing the risk of disease transmission and promoting a safe environment for young animals.

Footbaths: Peracetic acid’s potent biocidal properties make it highly effective in combating a wide range of pathogens that may be present in hoof rot, digital dermatitis, or other hoof-related infections. When cattle walk through the foot bath containing peracetic acid solution, the disinfectant acts swiftly to neutralise harmful microorganisms. This reduces the risk of disease transmission within your herd.

Feed and water troughs: Contaminated feed and water can lead to illness and reduced productivity in dairy cows. By applying peracetic acid to feed and water troughs you can eliminate pathogens and ensure that your cows receive clean and safe nutrition.

Farm equipment and vehicles: Farm equipment and vehicles, such as tractors, trailers, and manure spreaders, can become reservoirs for bacteria and other microorganisms. Use peracetic acid to disinfect these surfaces, minimising the risk of cross-contamination between different areas of your farm.

Tractor's, Milk processing equipment, Calf pens and maternity areas which would benefit from Peracetic Acid Disinfection

The ability of peracetic acid to consistently deliver quality results on TCC, TBC, and TCM underscores its effectiveness as a disinfectant in dairy farm operations. Its role in promoting hygienic conditions and ensuring the production of safe and high-quality milk further reinforces its importance in dairy herd management practices.

By applying peracetic acid to these critical areas within dairy operations, farmers can maintain high standards of hygiene and biosecurity, ultimately promoting the health and productivity of your dairy farm.

Dairy cleaning cycle: A Quick Guide

StepsDisinfection Process
1Preparation: Thoroughly clean the livestock housing facility, removing organic matter and debris.Ensure all surfaces are scrubbed and rinsed to remove visible dirt and grime. Use appropriate cleaning tools and detergents for effective cleaning.
2Dilution: Prepare the disinfectant solution at the recommended concentration.Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to achieve the correct dilution ratio. Use clean water and measuring tools to ensure accuracy.
3Application: Apply the disinfectant solution evenly across all surfaces using a sprayer or fogging system.Ensure thorough coverage of all surfaces, including floors, walls, and equipment. Pay attention to hard-to-reach areas and corners. Use appropriate protective equipment for safety.
4Contact Time: Allow the disinfectant solution to remain in contact with surfaces for specified time.Refer to product label for recommended contact time. Avoid rinsing or disturbing surfaces during this period to allow for effective disinfection.
5Rinse and Dry: Rinse surfaces thoroughly with clean water and allow to air dry completely.Use clean water to rinse off any residual disinfectant solution. Ensure surfaces are left to air dry completely before reintroducing livestock.
6Monitoring: Regularly monitor cleanliness and hygiene, repeating disinfection process as needed.Implement a schedule for regular inspections and monitoring of hygiene standards. Reapply disinfection protocol as necessary, especially after high livestock turnover or disease outbreaks.
This is a general guide. Adhering to the safety guidelines outlined in our Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is paramount when working with peracetic acid. It is recommended to consult with a qualified professional or seek appropriate advice before undertaking any actions your are unsure about. Our team at Biocel are always on hand to advise.

Our Top Selling Peracetic Acid (PAA) Products

As a top manufacturer and supplier of peracetic acid, here in Ireland, Biocel boasts a team of seasoned professionals. Our products are meticulously formulated to provide innovative solutions to meet the diverse needs and challenges faced by our customers.

Biocel’s Hydrox 5 is registered with the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine and is an approved biocide.

Our Product Links

Whether it’s safeguarding livestock health with powerful disinfectants, optimising industrial processes with speciality chemicals, or ensuring environmental compliance through wastewater treatment solutions, our products are tailored to address specific needs and deliver tangible results.

Biocel is committed to providing solutions that empower our customers. We focus on quality, performance, and environmental responsibility. We want you to achieve your goals and overcome your dairy farm challenges with confidence.

Adhering to Safety Guidelines

As farmers in Ireland, Europe and the UK incorporate peracetic acid into their agricultural practices, it’s imperative to prioritise safety at all times.

Peracetic Acid SDS:

One essential resource for ensuring safe handling and usage of peracetic acid is our Safety Data Sheet (SDS). These provide comprehensive information on its properties, hazards, and safety precautions. Adhering to the guidelines outlined in the SDS is critical for protecting yourself, your workers, and the environment. If in doubt our expert chemists and technicians, possess unmatched knowledge and expertise.

Peracetic Acid Environmental Impact:

Concerns about the environmental impact of chemical disinfectants are always valid. However, peracetic acid stands out for its relatively favourable environmental profile.

Unlike some traditional disinfectants, peracetic acid rapidly breaks down into harmless byproducts. These byproducts include water, oxygen, and acetic acid.

In Summary

Peracetic acid offers farmers in Ireland, Europe and the UK a potent and versatile solution for addressing various challenges related to sanitation and disease control on your farm. By harnessing the power of peracetic acid, you can enhance biosecurity, improve food safety, and safeguard the health of your livestock and crops.

As a disinfectant it is a valuable tool, offering dairy farmers a reliable solution for maintaining clean and hygienic milking practices. Clean and hygienic milking practices not only contribute to your ability to produce high-quality milk but also enhance consumer confidence in the dairy products you supply.


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