Routine Sanitising Of Hands Is Key To Prevention Of Covid 19 Cross Contamination In The Workplace.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great upsurge in innovation focusing on combating the spread of the virus. At Biocel we bring you a Hand Sanitiser Station for use with our hand hygiene products. As part of our initiative to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, Biocels foot-operated stand-alone hand dispenser units are designed to allow sufficient fluid to maintain complete hand hygiene.
Our hand sanitiser station works perfectly with our Alcohol Hand Sanitiser Gel and Manoster Alcohol Hand Rinse complete with moisturising ingredients for hand protection against viral and other microbiological exposure.
Click Here for Biocels Complete Hand Hygiene Range
You can use these products with our foot-operated hand dispenser units to maintain complete hand hygiene.
The Hand Sanitiser Station eliminates cross-contamination and administers up to 2,000 sanitiser dispenses per 5L.
EN Certification
Both hand hygiene formulations are certified as follows.
*EN testing validates kill rates against Bacteria Viruses, Yeasts & Spores.